Home Food for your puppy! Here's a Recipe..

Home Recipe With Chicken/Turkey For Dogs.

Yes, there are times when I feel Troy gets bored eating those kibbles all day. So switch to something creative, I looked up at all kinds of recipe for dogs that we can cook in our home kitchen. One such thing, that Troy loves is the following:

Ground Turkey/Ground Chicken – 1lb
Rice- 1 cup
Carrots-1cup (Just Like Humans, Carrots provide similar beneficial effects for dogs)
Beans – 1 cup (They are a great source of proteins, antioxidants and fiber for dogs)
Broccoli Florets – 5-8 (Use less, more may harm them. However, it is a great source of Vitamin C & K)
Peas - 1/2cup (Great source of  Vitamins and Minerals) 

1.     Wash the rice a couple of times
2.     Cut the chicken/Turkey into small pieces
3.     Similarly, cut the veggies into dices so its in sizes where the dog chews it instead of swallowing them right away.
4.     Mix everything up with enough water in the pressure cooker and allow it to steam for 20-30 minutes.

5.     Cool it up and serve it for your furry kid!  


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