Learning Tricks 1 - Paw!

We all want our furry puppy to greet us when we come home or when we wake up in the morning or when they have those sad puppy eyes to play and sometimes we just want to keep them occupied by doing a couple of tricks and focused so we can establish a stronger bond with them. As I have mentioned in my previous blogs before, it is not just about keeping them physically active but mentally stimulate them as well to keep them on track. 

Learning how to Paw:

Step 1: The first step is to make them focus on yo. Eye contact is essential for them to learn anything new. Make them look into your eyes and focus a couple of times

Step 2: Take their paw by hand and cal out the command "Paw", reward them with a treat. It is important that you religiously follow this atleast 5-10 times and as many repetitions as possible in the day. 

Step 3: After a couple of trials, wait for our little furry ball to give you the paw after which you reward them with a treat

Step 4: Slowly, it becomes a routine for the puppy and you can remove the treat factor with petting him and addressing them that they are a good pup. 

Step 5: Continue to do it when you want your pup to listen to you and make him do things that you think is appropriate at the moment. This includes when he meets and greets other people too. 

P.S. Don't forget, it is important to be consistent and refresh the learnt behavior. 


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