The first week of your experience with the puppy will be similar to taking care of a new born baby. All they want to do is eat and take breaks for pee and potty. With practical experience, you will understand that the bladder control of the puppy(hours) is equal to the age in months. Example, if the puppy is two months old, it has a control over its bladder for one and half to two hours.  

Focusing on the elimination part, the first couple of days with the puppy in the house is the time when they begin to mark their territory on the inside and outside of the house. Initially, it is essential to walk the puppy every hour to the place where you want them to pee/poop as well.

Use of Training Pads/Also known as Wee Wee pads:
These puppy training pads comes to your rescue especially when you live in the apartment/house with carpet in it. The primary use of the training pads is to ensure you start wiping the accident with the pad and then eventually move the pad to a place in the house where you want the puppy to eliminate.

Pet Potty box/Litter Box:
They are a box of turf which gives the sense of similarity to the grass on the outside. These can be used by people on upper levels of the house or people who can’t bring their pups out more often for their breaks. 

Stains in the House? Yes, it is very much a trouble if you find the puppy peeing or pooping inside the house frequently. From my personal experience with Troy, this solution (2 parts water with 1 part vinegar) has a great effect on a carpeted house. Use the solution to spray on the accident place and then brush it away. Once done, the stain is completely removed and the smell is annoying for the puppy to have an accident on the same place. This will save you a little bit of trouble with immense cleaning of the carpeted floors. This can be used on the hard floor as well.

Another factor that will help you in letting the puppy know they have to pee or poop on the outside, is the use of treats. Mark the act by giving the puppy a treat once they take a break outside of the house or in the designated area within the house.

Nobody said it would be any easy with this, patience is the key for surviving your first week! Good luck :) 


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