Hello future Pawrents,

Welcome to my page about the world of raising a Labrador retriever puppy. Here’s a synopsis about why I began writing this blog. I have a one year old Labrador puppy named Troy. On 26th June 2017, I was reflecting about the same day last year in 2016, when I brought home this 2-month-old champ from a 3 hour long drive. We first met him when he was 10 days old. He was this sleepy head among his 8 other siblings been carried in a small tub towards me by the breeder.

Soon, I took a sneak peak into the tub, I knew I wanted to hold all of them together and start petting them right away. But they all were so tiny as the size of our palm and had to be held so gentle as they didn’t even open their eyes. I picked up Troy among those beautiful puppies. I wanted to take him home the same day. However, we had a waiting period of another 6 weeks before we could take him along with us. So, that was the day I was recollecting memories on how we began preparing ourselves and our home for little Troy!

When I started browsing about how to care for a Labrador puppy, all I found was more of generic information and lot about the various training strategies to use. Not many websites had info on what are the materialistic things that we need to be prepared with, when we bring the puppy home on the first day. I was not really into books to read the guide and understand for the better. I was more of the Google Girl! Also, when I tried networking with a couple of friends around from whom I did receive some clarity on the doubts I had, I wasn’t completely satisfied as each one had their own story and I didn’t feel ready for the days to come.

I can understand how difficult it can get to seek help from people and browse various articles to find out how to be ready to bring a puppy home.

Hence, I decided to pen down my thoughts for the future pawrents out there! 


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