Our first ride home with Troy was 3 hours in the car from Massachusetts to New York. My husband and I, were a lot anxious as it was our first time in handling Troy alone. We were quite prepared with a couple of things that we needed to ensure Troy felt safe with his first car ride. From our experience, we did find that it can be totally exhausting for the new puppy no matter if the travel to his home is going to be just an hour or a couple of hours.

            We began our journey from the breeder’s house and within minutes of travelling, we found Troy being so anxious and exploring all the new smell he could sniff around as he was trying his best to get to know us. Troy has always been the hyper pup ever since. We had a small basket in the front seat and a crate behind, so we could figure out what he wanted. He eventually wasn’t very comfortable in riding in the front with everything being so new to him. The moment we left him in the crate behind, he was so comfortable and fell asleep for most part of the trip.

So, here’s a couple of things that you need to be prepared with before you plan your journey with the puppy incase of riding the car.

1.    Leash and collar, travel bowl for water, potty bags, a blanket, towel and a toy.

2.    It is important to find out from the breeder/shelter/pet store if the puppy is used to being in a crate.

3.    If the puppy hasn’t been in a crate before, you can carry a basket with a blanket in it and have a crate which fits in your car for best use later.

4.    If the puppy has been introduced to being in a crate before, it is wise to leave the puppy in the crate as they are at least aware of the familiar house on the go for themselves.

5.    Do not give any food for the puppy while travelling as they may have the tendency to bring in diarrhea with anxiety.

6.    Incase, you stop for a potty or pee break, ensure to wipe the puppy well enough before you begin the next leg of the ride.

7.    If the puppy begins to whine, which most Labradors do all the time to seek attention, bring them closer to you for comfort.

8.    Finally, Drive home Safe! 😊


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